
Since you have stopped by, we think that like us, you have a passionate interest in horses and share the values of inclusion and equality implied in our tagline. You also likely have knowledge of or interest in African American history and culture. Or maybe you are just curious about how the equestrian world and the African American experience intersect.

Equestrian Equality takes a look at the obscured and little known, yet dynamic, presence of African Americans in the equestrian world. Here we take a long view, contemplating African American participation in the horse industry from the time of the enslavement of Africans in the United States to the present.

We hope that as you travel with us on an exciting road of discovery or rediscovery through the narrative of these pages, you will recognize what is potentially a lost history and legacy. And we invite your collaboration with our mission to re-engage African American presence in the horse industry.

At Equestrian Equality we are excited about the potential use of the noble horse to carry us on a path of inclusion, equality, and ultimately opportunity. To that end, we broadcast the the story of African American presence in horsemanship.

Enjoy the ride